Privacy Policy

What data is collected and why

Contact Form

When visitors send a contact request, all contact form information are collected in addition to IP address and user agent string to ease the spam detecting.


The only cookies are the ones needed for correct website visualization.

Content from other websites

This website pages can include embedded items (such as videos, images, etc.). Items embedded from external websites behave the same way as the visitor visited that external website.

These websites can collect personal data, can use cookies, can use third party tracing systems and can monitor the interaction with that embedded item (including the tracing of the interaction with that embedded item if you are logged into that external website).

Data is shared with

Collected data isn’t shared with third parties, but could be sent to automatic anti-spam services.

How long data is stored

Data is stored the time needed to elaborate the requested action (for example: send contact request).

Where data is sent

Data can be checked by third parties anti-spam services.